New Regional Office established in Van, Turkey

15 Jul 2016


PLANET TURKEY Anatolia Office was established under the strategic cooperation between PLANET TURKEY and Gökçenay Group, and inaugurated by PLANET CEO Mr. Christos Giannakopoulos and Gökçenay Group CEO Mr. Yunus Gökçenay on 11/07/2016. The plans of PLANET TURKEY Anatolia Office to exploit PLANET’s huge EU experience and Gökçenay Group’s dominant local position towards enhancing regional development in Eastern Turkey were discussed with a part of local bodies in Van, and will be jointly elaborated with the entire development actors of the region.

Inauguration of Planet Turkey Anatolia Office

Inauguration of Planet Turkey Anatolia Office

Internal meeting in Planet Turkey Anatolia Office

Internal meeting in Planet Turkey Anatolia Office

Meeting with the Van Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Meeting with Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Meeting with the Van University Rector

Meeting with the Van University Rector

Publication in ŞehriVan

Publication in ŞehriVan